niedziela, 11 stycznia 2015


Today I participated in an annually event in our country called WOŚP. Together with my mates I was collecting money for a charity organisation. This year the money will be destined for the well care for older people and for the equipment to recognise some sickness in the early child life. I attend this event since I was 10 years old so this was my eighth time. Nothing has changed since then. There is a lot of people that are likely to donate some money but also the same amount of people that are against this whole idea. They think that the man in charge of this event is steeling those money and promote drugs and alcohol. It is like this because from those money Woodstock festival is financed. But that is not the money donated but the interest from bank account from money donated from the last year and this festival is kind of award for all the volunteers because they did this for free so the festival is for free too. I can't understand all those arguments about money from this event. All the financial settlement is on the Internet and accessible for everyone. For comparison what about the most popular charity in our country of course Catholic one- The Red Cross. There are no settlements anywhere and no one has a problem with it. Is it like this because that action is held by church? I don't really know but I can't understand the difference between those two organisation. All good things done for other people are greate no matter who and why did this. We are not the people that should have been jugding. If you donate money you already did something amazing but what will happen to those money after won't be your problem but the man's in charge and if he don't do right it will return to haunt him.
Each time I have a great time spent with my friends and at the end a feeling that I did something good for other people. In my opinion such an events are very importent and everyone the was saved or cured by the WOŚP's equipment knows this. You only appreciate some things when you have a direct contact with them.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Plan and initiate activities
  • Work collaboratively with others
  • Show perseverance and commitment
  • Engage with issues of global importance
  • Consider ethical implications