sobota, 28 listopada 2015

Wroclaw Model United Nations Conference

Lately I've been to the Wroclaw Model United Nations Conference. This is a conference performed as the real one in United Nations Organisation but for young people from high school and university. This was my first experience like this and I was very surprised, because I didn't expect it to be so enlightening. But let's take it in turn. First of all I will tell about my council. Deliberations were performed for few topics in a few committees an the same time. I was in the Security Council and together with other delegates we were obligated to solve a problem of nuclear weapons in Asia, because the main topic was focused on the problems in Asian countries. The country that I represented was People's Democratic Republic of Lao. At a glance I thought that this is not good country for this conference, because it is small and tangential but as soon as I started my research about this country I discovered that I was wrong. My country had so much to talk in the issue of nuclear weapon. Laos is a poor country and not able to build a nuclear plant but also they use alternative energy source. Full need of energy they fulfil using water energy that they obtain from the biggest river in this country and also a part of this energy obtained is exported to some bordering countries. As a delegate of Laos I had to fully know current politics in this country and also support it. It could be ridiculous or controversial to me personally, but I had to act like one of the Laos' resident. At the end of all deliberations each committee had to present their resolution, so a stated solution to the problem that was discussed and Security Council did it great. Also as a delegate from Security Council I had to deliver welcoming speech and state a position of Laos for nearly all of the problems that were considered in other committees too. It was very stressful for me because I have a little problem with public appearance but now I can say that I managed to fight my fear and this is something very important in self development. The Conference was a great experience and I was able to meet a lot of fantastic people from around the world. In my committee for example was a girl from Mexico City and a guy from Lithuania. Also I was able to try and improve level of my English in a conversation and see how the world of politics looks like because all procedures were performed as in a normal Conference and everything was very official. The Wroclaw Model United Nations Conference lasted for three days and I believe that it wasn't a wasted time but a time that gave me a huge experienced and a time that I made a most of it.
Our crew.

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